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Mazel tov to newlyweds Stan and Elaine

After spending an ‘unbelievably happy’ 10 years together, Elaine Krawitz and Stanley Steiner of Tarentaal Retirement Village tied the knot on April 10.

Both are long-time residents of the village, with Stan moving in 12 years ago and Elaine two years later. They were introduced through a mutual friend and found love and companionship. “Stan treats me with so much respect and has so much patience,” says Elaine.

While the two enjoy each other’s company, they each have hobbies that fill their days.

Stan is a model train fanatic who creates wonderworlds filled with miniature people, buildings, streets, trees, cars, trucks, outdoor advertising, stations and, of course, locomotives, coaches, freight trains and railway tracks. “His skill and attention to detail have received many compliments,” shares Elaine.

“I like the fresh air, to exercise, and am a keen walker (my children and grandkids make a joke that they need to run to keep up with me). I also enjoy social bowls and love yoga,” she says of her interests.

While Stan is in his mid-80s and Elaine her mid-70s, their busy lives keep them young. “People are shocked when we share our ages with them. They say we are remarkable for our ages,” says Elaine.

She says that both she and Stan tragically lost a child. “We speak of them daily; they are sadly missed.”

Stan has two surviving children, a daughter and son, and three grandchildren, while Elaine has two daughters and ‘was blessed with six adored grandchildren’. “My children and grandchildren adore Stan, who listens attentively and is always included and involved in their lives. He has a very caring and nurturing personality,” says Elaine.

Stan is a retired mechanic who was taught his skills by his late father and Elaine was a medical rep.

The couple chose to be married under the chupah of the newly renovated Sandringham Gardens Shul, with their children, grandchildren, family and friends in attendance. In his debut role as a mesader kiddushin (the officiating rabbi at a wedding), Rabbi Jonathan Fox spoke of love, friendship and the sanctity of marriage. Elaine’s granddaughter Jessie accompanied her grandmother as she circled her Chatan seven times.

At the catered tea, Stanley was both serious and entertaining as he spoke of his relationship with Elaine and their respective families.

Elaine Krawitz and Stanley Steiner at their wedding.


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