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Thornhill Manor fete, a roaring success

Rand Aid’s Thornhill Manor retirement village enjoyed the perfect day for its annual fete. With only a light breeze and warm sunshine, the atmosphere between the stalls and visitors was vibrant, and all of the food vendors sold out.

Rudi van Niekerk kept the crowd entertained, with lively music that had everyone singing and dancing.

“A fantastic time was had by all, and it was wonderful to see so many of our new residents participating for the first time,” says Jackie Scott, deputy manager of Thornhill Manor.

“Social interaction is crucial as we age, helping to combat loneliness, boredom and a sense of helplessness,” she adds.

All proceeds from the fete will go towards the village fund, with residents deciding how to use the money for special projects to enhance the community and benefit everyone.

Andrew Scott and Dave Wood cooking for the egg and bacon stall, which sold out by 10h15.

Barbara Damstra, Carol Foulis, Marion Falconer and Caryll Richardson of the Knit & Knatter group.

Sue Ryan, Julie Holmes, Laura James, Karen McKitrick, Denise Liversage and Kirsten James working hard at the pancake stall. They made and sold nearly 700 pancakes.

Jen Cruickshank, Danielle Sealy-Fisher, Dale Cherrington and Adele Capper selling recycled cards.

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