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Pool noodles turned into play at Thornhill Manor

Who knew you could get so creative with poodle noodles?

This is exactly what Vicky Keenan, a Thornhill Manor resident and retired occupational therapist, did when she created games, using pool noodles, for the retirement village’s Happy Chatters group,

Karen Griessel, Thornhill Manor’s social worker, says the games, while tons of fun, were designed to help improve residents’ hand-eye and hand-eye-foot co-ordination.

“Incorporating easy and effective hand-eye co-ordination exercises into daily routines can provide numerous benefits for older adults, including improved motor skills and cognitive function,” says Karen.

Joan England attempts to kick a beanbag into a circle made from pool noodles.

Angela Webster shoots a pool noodle through the ‘noodle’ hoops.

Ann Goodfellow takes aim with her pool noodle.

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