Rand Aid’s Elphin Lodge retirement village was buzzing with visitors at its open gardens on 1 and 2 October.
The event, organised by Gardens of the Golden City in conjunction with Elphin Lodge’s Garden Club, included 15 gardens that were on show in the village.
“All proceeds from the event will be donated to Park Care and Earth Centre,” says Pam Heller, an Elphin Lodge resident who coordinated the event.
“Elphin Lodge residents and the public truly enjoyed the wonderful gardens and friendly and relaxed atmosphere in the village,” she adds.
Everyone also enjoyed the lovely tea garden, delicious coffee served by a barista and yummy eats, which were mostly made by Elphin Lodge residents.
“This was all served on the clubhouse’s veranda, overlooking the beautiful dams that are surrounded by reeds and willow trees,” says Pam.