A woman’s goodwill will mean a merrier Christmas for the residents of a Lombardy East care centre for older persons.
When Marian Smith, who lives at Rand Aid-run retirement village Thornhill Manor in Modderfontein, turned 80 on November 17, she asked that her friends and loved ones not buy her any gifts.
Instead, she asked them to join her in bringing cheer to the residents of Thembalami Care Centre, which is also run by Rand Aid. Thembalami is home to many people who receive only a government grant and thus do not have money for treats. Others have no family close by.
The result was a table laden with gifts, mainly much-needed toiletry items, that were happily wrapped by Marian and her neighbours, for delivery to Thembalami residents.
“What a wonderful, big-hearted gesture by Mariaan and her friends and family,” says Thornhill Manor social worker Karen Griessel.
Ligia Kuzela, Tina Key, Marian Smith and Karen Griessel with the wrapped gifts.