A little goes a long way when your heart is filled with caring. This was recently demonstrated by Tina Tufegdzic, a resident of Rand Aid’s Tarentaal Retirement Village. Tina is now retired but worked for Rand Aid for many years, at SANCA Wedge Gardens and later at Thembalami Care Centre. She thus knows first-hand how hard-working Rand Aid’s staff are. To thank Tarentaal’s domestic workers and handymen for their dedicated service, she made them a home-cooked lunch of roast chicken, pap and sauce or mashed potato, salads and cooldrinks. “Tina saved a little each month to pay for the thank-you lunch,” says village manager Tammy Neilson. “She has the biggest heart and the staff were overwhelmed by her gesture.” Pictured with Tina (seated) are Tarentaal staff members and Tina’s daughter Silvia Daniels.
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