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Inspirational Golden Games at Ron Smith Care Centre

A week of friendly competition and camaraderie unfolded at Ron Smith Care Centre (RSCC) as residents and staff participated in the third annual Golden Games.

Dressed in vibrant team colours, the six residential wings battled it out in a series of fun-filled events, including Noodle Wars, Flying Around the World, Skyscraper Building, and Bocce Ball, between August 19 and 23. 

All six wings were required to use their creativity and design a banner that illustrated their unique identity as a wing and also embodied and incorporated elements of the Eden Alternative philosophy and practices that RSCC embraces. “These banners were judged and awarded points that contributed to the final score of each wing,” says Debbie Christen, RSCC facilitator: Recreational and training services.

Preparations for the games began in mid-July, as RSCC staff kicked off the team-building process by participating in a dance challenge that was designed as a fun way to build unity and team spirit. Staff were taught a dance to the song, One Way Ticket by Tanja Thomas and attended scheduled practice sessions. The Dance Champions of 2024 were the dynamic second group from River Lodge 3 residential wing, who managed to score a whopping 68/70 points!

The four-day event culminated in a glorious awards ceremony, at which the residential wing of Cedar Park was pronounced the winner of the Golden Games grand championship for the second year in a row.

“It was heartwarming to witness all the laughter, fun, joy, and excitement of the games, and watching people’s faces light up whenever they got something right, and all the hugs, cheers, high fives, and victory dances when they scored points for their team. 

“The games have been much more than just about winning and losing; it has been about having a positive attitude, trying your best, encouraging your teammates, and recognising and appreciating other people’s achievements and successes, even if they are not on the same team!” says Debbie.

“Once again, the Golden Games was an exceptional event that brought joy to the entire care centre community. Well done, one and all – you have honoured the true spirit of the Golden Games Special Olympics, and you are all winners!”

Dorothea Ferri and Charles Power.

Maria Volschenk.

Some of the members of the Cedar Park championship team: Eunice Mkhosi, Doreen Woodward, Thembi Kekane, Fatima Magona, Carol Murphy, Christina Maluka, Nomusa Shabangu, and Penelope Mthembu.

Rand Raid CEO Gert Coetzee with Debbie Christen, one of the organisers of the games.

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