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Inyoni Creek’s carers honoured on Nurses’ Day

‘Caring for our seniors is perhaps the greatest responsibility we have. Those who walked before us have given so much and made possible the life we all enjoy’ – Senator John Hoeven.

This sentiment shaped the International Nurses’ Day celebratory tea held by Inyoni Creek Retirement Village on May 12, which was International Nurses’ Day.

“Today, we honour home carers who dedicate themselves to bringing comfort and dignity to the lives of our cherished elders,” said village sister Jana Bezuidenhout.

At the event were Inyoni Creek residents who still live in their own homes, but who are assisted to carry out some daily tasks by home carers.

Sr Jana presented each carer with a gift jar, which contained fun, novelty items, and a scroll of the Nurse’s Pledge of Service:

I solemnly pledge myself to the service of humanity and will endeavour to practise my profession with conscience and with dignity.

I will maintain, by all the means in my power, the honour and noble tradition of my profession.

The total health of my patients will be my first consideration.

I will hold in confidence all personal matters coming to my knowledge.

I will not permit consideration of religion, nationality, race or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient.

I will maintain the utmost respect for human life.

I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honour.

Inyoni Creek village sister Jana Bezuidenhout hands over a token of appreciation to carer Sibongile Julia Mali.

Dolly Windvogel, the quality assurance nurse from Professional Nursing Solutions, with senior members of the Rand Aid nursing team: Matron Avril Maltman, senior nursing manager; Sr Jana Bezuidenhout, Inyoni Creek’s nursing sister; and Sr Leanie Bessinger, charge professional nurse – manager.


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