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Father’s Day celebration with beer, biltong and bocce ball!

The men from all six wings of the Ron Smith Care Centre were invited to a special event in the recreation centre on June 11 to celebrate Father’s Day.

“Residents were seated around a large red carpet and divided into two teams, in preparation for a competitive game of bocce ball – an Italian bowling game similar to carpet bowls,” says Debbie Christen, the centre’s manager of recreational programmes.

“The idea is to throw, bowl, or roll your bocce ball and try to get it as close to the white ball (Jack) as possible. Three rounds of the game were played, and the winning team was the one which won the most rounds of getting their balls closest to the Jack,” she says.

The bowling skills of those residents who had played bowls before were evident, while those residents who needed a little help with bowling were able to use a ‘bowling tube’.

“Regardless of the level at which each person was playing, everyone tried their best.  The competition was fierce but also lots of fun. One could see the focus and determination in the faces of the players, especially when it was announced that the winning team would be awarded with chocolate bars,” says Debbie.

After all the activity, it was time to relax with a beer (non-alcoholic) or Coke, fresh biltong, and a savoury snack mix, including popcorn.

“The residents had a great time and seemed to enjoy being in the company of their male neighbours. Woodlands resident Irvine Sinnett thanked the recreation team that hosted the event and expressed his sincere appreciation for a very enjoyable afternoon.

Irvine Sinnett with the ladies from the care centre’s recreation team (left to right): Lucia Nkuna, Sanele Ndlovu, Simoné Botha, and Evelyn Shilubane.

Willy Meyer with Sanele Ndlovu and Simoné Botha.

Ron Smith Care Centre’s male residents play bocce ball during the centre’s Father’s Day celebration.

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