Animals are known to raise spirits and break the ice – just ask the residents of Rand Aid’s Thembalami Care Centre and Max Ordman Deaf Association.
Smiles that stretched wide across mouths, sparkling eyes, and hands eager to connect with warm bodies demonstrated just how therapeutic animals can be when the Farm Corner brought ponies, chickens, goats, ducks, sheep and more to interact with the residents on October 5.
“There was huge excitement among our residents as they waited for their hairy, furry, woolly and feathered visitors to arrive,” says Elize Raath, the deputy manager of the care centre. “It was the first time that farm animals were brought to our premises – and what a hit the event was!”
Each animal was introduced to the audience, before the interactive part of the visit got underway, with residents petting, feeding and talking to the special visitors. “A highlight was the dancing rooster, which left residents and staff members delighted,” says Elize.
Quack! Rosalie Jones with Farmer Anton.
Hand of friendship… resident Cathy Turpin interacts with one of the visitors.
Greetings… Jennifer Becker with a beautiful goat.
Doreen Calder shows her delight.
Liz Walton and her woolly friend.
Stanley and Jenny Penny with Farmer Harold.
Carrot, anyone? Lizbeth Mokoena and care worker Gloria Rachibedi offer treats to their visitors.