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Woolly web of care woven on Mandela Day

Warm drinks on a chilly day and a toast to Inyoni Creek’s knitters made Mandela Day 2024 extra sweet at the Rand Aid retirement village.

Two events were held on the day, with the first being a celebration for the women who collectively knitted a record 4 169 squares for 67 blankets for Nelson Mandela Day. This is 1 794 more than last year’s 2 375. Joining the women for a cup of hot chocolate topped with marshmallows, muffins and cake he supplied was Malcolm Burroughs of Cake Brothers, who is also a 67 Blankets representative.

“Malcolm had donated wool to the knitters for the past three years,” says Inyoni Creek manager Jenny Tonkin.

In the afternoon, the village’s staff members were invited to enjoy a cup of loaded hot chocolate and muffins.

“We then made our own ‘listening’ circle and tossed an unravelling ball of wool to each staff member, creating a web that indicated the importance of teamwork and how we keep our residents safe in the web that we weave,” says Jenny.

Listening circles are encouraged by the Eden Alternative, a philosophy of care based on authentic, inter-reliable relationships that Rand Aid has embraced. These circles are peer-directed listening experiences that are intended to lead action and change.

Inyoni Creek staff members weave a web of love during a listening circle on Mandela Day.

Staff members at Inyoni Creek toast caring on Mandela Day.

Malcolm David (beanie) from Cake Brothers and a 67 Blankets representative chats with Inyoni Creek residents.


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