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Thornhill Manor looks forward to a time of renewal

Rand Aid retirement village Thornhill Manor is a gardener’s delight. The village has lovely water features and landscaped areas which are complemented by the residents’ personal gardens. Most are filled with colourful flowers and interesting shrubs and trees that contribute to making Thornhill Manor a pleasant place to call home. To celebrate their beautiful village and the fact the summer is around the corner, the village’s Garden Club is hosting a ‘Spring at Thornhill Manor’ photo competition. “The competition is designed to make residents appreciate the renewal and rejuvenation that come with spring, which is especially important for our well-being after a long and hard year of coronavirus hardship and anxiety,” says village manager Esme Erasmus. Pictured is resident of 15-years Mike Verburg, a bonsai enthusiastic who spends many happy hours in his garden and is always happy to donate a ‘living’ prize for the village’s annual fete.

For more information, contact Jackie Scott or Esme Erasmus at 011 608 2480, email or visit

Mike Verburg with his bonsai.

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